The play-by-play data used for the strategy simulations comes from nflscrapR
and is read into R using the NFLSimulatoR
. The prep_pbp_data()
function will then clean and prepare the data for use in the
function. Furthermore, we wanted our
results to represent “normal” NFL drives where score differential and
time remaining would not influence play calling. This was accomplished
by filtering the play-by-play data to require a score differential of
less than 28 points and greater than 2 minutes remaining in a half.
df <- dplyr::bind_cols(
pbp_data <- df %>%
prep_pbp_data(.) %>%
filter(abs(score_differential) < 28, half_seconds_remaining/60 > 2)
pbp_data_18 <- pbp_data %>%
filter(.,substr(game_date,0,4) == 2018)
pbp_data_19 <- pbp_data %>%
filter(.,substr(game_date,0,4) == 2019)
With the sample_drives()
function, drives can be
simulated according to a chosen proportion of pass plays by selecting
the passes_rushes
strategy. To improve performance when
running thousands of simulated drives, the foreach
packages are used to run the simulations on
multiple cores. The following simulates drives for a pass proportion of
0 to 1 (by .1) and stores the results in a data frame
# Pass Proportion 2019
drives <- NULL
results_pass_19 <- NULL
df_drives <- NULL
registerDoParallel(cores = 4)
prop <- seq(0,1, by = .1)
results_pass_19 <- foreach (i= 1:11, .combine = rbind, .packages = c("NFLSimulatoR", "progress","dplyr", "tidyverse")) %dopar% {
drives <- sample_drives(n_sims = 10,
from_yard_line = 25,
play_by_play_data = pbp_data_19,
strategy = "passes_rushes",
single_drive = T,
progress = F,
prop_passes = prop[i])
df_drives <- drives %>%
#add additional identifiers below as needed i.e. year, etc
mutate(proportion = prop[i],year = 19)
We can also compare various fourth down strategies using the
function. Simply pass “fourth_downs” to the
argument and a vector storing selected strategies
to the fourth_down_strategy
# 4th down strategies
drives <- NULL
results_fourths_1 <- NULL
df_drives <- NULL
registerDoParallel(cores = 4)
strats <- c("always_go_for_it","empirical","exp_pts","never_go_for_it", "yds_less_than")
results_fourths_1 <- foreach (i = 3:4, .combine = rbind, .packages = c("NFLSimulatoR", "progress","dplyr", "tidyverse")) %dopar% {
drives <- sample_drives(n_sims = 10000,
from_yard_line = 25,
play_by_play_data = pbp_data,
strategy = "fourth_downs",
fourth_down_strategy = strats[i],
single_drive = T,
progress = F
df_drives <- drives %>%
#add additional identifiers below as needed i.e. year, etc
mutate(Scenario = strats[i])
To further analyze passing vs. rushing we can run the simulations
based on a team’s ability to pass the football. This is accomplished by
dividing the play-by-play data into groups three groups (low, mid, high)
based on a team’s respective Passer Rating (RTG) relative to the league
average over the last three seasons (2017-2019). This file can be
downloaded from Google
Drive here. The six datasets, three for 2018 and 2019 respectively,
are stored in the list object RTG_list
# RTG Data
# Team RTG read in (2017-2019)
RTG <- read.csv("path/to/file/given/above/Team_Passing_Offense.csv")
#Store Tercile Cutoffs (2017-2019)
cutoffs <- quantile(RTG$Rate,probs = c(0:3/3))
# Passer Rate Terciles
RTG_list <- list()
years <- c("2018","2019")
terciles <- c("Low","Mid","High")
for (j in 1:2){
list_year <- list()
for (i in 1:3){
teams <- RTG %>%
filter(.,Year == years[j],
Rate >= cutoffs[i] & Rate < cutoffs[(i+1)] ) %>%
list_year[[paste(terciles[i],years[j],sep = "_")]] <- pbp_data %>%
filter(.,substr(game_date,0,4) == years[j],
posteam %in% as.matrix(teams))
RTG_list <- append(RTG_list,list_year)
Using the same structure as the pass vs. rush simulations above, we can simulate drives using each of the 6 subsets of data.
# Passer Rating - RTG
drives <- NULL
df_drives <- NULL
RTG_thirds_sims <- NULL
registerDoParallel(cores = 4)
prop <- seq(0,1, by = .1)
RTG_thirds_sims <- foreach (j = 1:6, .combine = rbind ) %:%
foreach (i= 1:11, .combine = rbind, .packages = c("NFLSimulatoR", "progress","dplyr", "tidyverse")) %dopar% {
drives <- sample_drives(n_sims = 10,
from_yard_line = 25,
play_by_play_data = RTG_list[[j]],
strategy = "passes_rushes",
single_drive = T,
progress = F,
prop_passes = prop[i])
df_drives <- drives %>%
#add additional identifiers below as needed i.e. year, etc
mutate(proportion = prop[i],
RTG = names(RTG_list[j]),
year = substr(RTG, nchar(RTG)-1, nchar(RTG)))