NFLSimulatoR 0.4.0
Deprecated the download_nflfastR_data() and download_nflscrapR_data() functions
Using the nflfastR::load_pbp() function instead
NFLSimulatoR 0.3.0
Rename sample_drives_until_score to sample_drives
NFLSimulatoR 0.2.1
Bug fix on down_distance_updater.R (Dec 8, 2020)
Update prep_pbp_data.R function by defining NULLs (Dec 8, 2020)
NFLSimulatoR 0.2
Support for downloading data from nflfastR data site (Dec 1, 2020)
NFLSimulatoR 0.1.0
Website is up and running (Nov 23, 2020)
We are on CRAN! (Nov 23, 2020)